Sunday, April 19, 2015

Property Manager Now Onsite 5 Days A Week

Gene Renda, our Property Manager, is now onsite at McNulty Lofts from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Please take time to say hello to Gene so that he can get to know all our owners and residents. Gene is working out of the office in the lobby. Gene can be reached by cell phone at (727)-333-5224, and by email at As Gene will sometimes be walking around the building, or running an errand, please feel free to make an appointment if you need to meet with Gene.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

FirstService Residential is our Management Company

Today, August 21, 2014, marked the end of our contract with Associa and the start of the transition to FirstService Residential as the new Management Company for McNulty Lofts. First Service provided the following introduction: “FirstService has been delivering world-class service to communities since 1990. Our office specializes in boutique management of condominiums throughout the Greater Tampa Bay area. As your partner, we will work alongside you to understand your specific needs and customize our service to meet them. At FirstService, we achieve excellence by pursuing perfection. We want your experience to be exceptional with no hassles and no excuses. Why did McNulty Lofts choose FirstService? Because we deliver exceptional service and solutions to every community we manage and we are passionate about being the best at what we do. Every member of our team works hard to Make a Difference, Every Day, for the people and communities we serve, and together we set the standard for service and professionalism in our industry. This is our pledge to you. For over 20 years, FirstService has done this for communities and associations throughout Florida. This is why we’re the industry leader. With our local experience and depth of industry knowledge, no other company can understand your market and serve your community better than ours.”

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New Management Company Selected for McNulty Lofts

We are pleased to announce that FirstService Residential has been selected to provide management and monthly bookkeeping services for McNulty Lofts effective August 23rd, 2014.  

The Board is working closely with FirstService's Bobby Knuth, Regional Director for the St. Petersburg region, to assure a smooth transition.

The Board will continue to set all policy, procedures, and direction, and sign checks and contracts on behalf of the Association. FirstService will be responsible for implementing the policies and procedures as approved by the Board, and will oversee all day-to-day operations.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Modern Look for McNulty Lofts

McNulty Lofts has a brand new look for the hallways. Still with an edgy modern loft look the hallways and elevator lobbies now sport multi-tone grey carpet, and a superb collection of St Petersburg art with classic and modern photographs printed on canvas. See the link here for the Tampa Bay Times coverage of the art collection.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Guest Parking at McNulty


If you have guests parking in our garage, residents at McNulty can purchase parking coupons for just 50 cents each. To get the guest coupons just see whoever is in the booth at the garage entrance.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Downtown Neighborhood Association

Please check out this link to the Downtown Neighborhood Association.

Members of the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) submitted questions for individuals who have announced their candidacy for mayor of the City of St. Petersburg in 2009. The questions were reviewed by members of the DNA board of directors, whose work resulted in the following six questions. Six of the announced candidates—Jamie Bennett, Kathleen Ford, Bill Foster, Scott Wagman, Larry Williams, and Paul Congemi—responded with detailed answers.

See what the candidates said......


Want To Know What's Happening in St Pete????

There is an exciting group in St Pete - The Bloc - actively promoting events and happenings in the "Downtown Block" area.

Check out the link to the Bloc's website at and sign up for their email newsletter to get the weekly "BurgBlast".


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keys, Fobs, Remotes, HID Cards

FOBʼs for main doors:
• Gym Door,
• Lobby Door,
• Grade Level West Door,
• P6 & P7 South Vestibule,
• P7 North Stairwell,
• P7 North Elevator Lobby,
• North Midtown Sundries Elevators
Cost: Contact Rampart

HID Prox Card II
• One per automobile
• This is the only device that will operate the street level garage barriers; we suggest you keep it in your car.

The HID card will also give you access to the building

Cost: Contact Rampart

Security Procedure:
Keys, Fobs, Remotes, & HID cards
6th Floor Sliding Gate

6th Floor Sliding Gate in Parking Garage
• Gate separates Public from Private parking
• One remote per car. Keep in car to open
• Can be programed into “garage link” if car is
equipped. Refer to owners manual in car
• Gate can also be opened by four digit secret

For gate clicker/fob devices and sale/lease application processing please contact the Rampart Community Administrator at 727-577-2200


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hurricane Watch Check-List

Hurricane Check-List for McNulty Lofts

After Fay passed us by, the notes below remain a useful reminder for future alerts. If a hurricane watch is in effect:

• Balconies and patios must be completely emptied from anything could blow away. Heavy items must be tied or bungeed down.

• Absolutely NO gas generators on the balconies are allowed. These are a violation of fire code.

• Keep your balcony doors closed and sealed at all times during the storm (please see instructions downstairs or ask a neighbor how to do this properly).

• We may face the possible loss of electricity. This means that the building may be without water. It may be a good idea to fill up your bathtub. This will help flush your toilet in the case of power outage.

• If we get a blowing sideways rain... it is a good idea to have a few towels ready to soak up any water that may enter the building.

• Please photograph and describe any damage to the best of your ability; this could help subsequent claims.

• For more info about Hurricane Preparedness go to

For Emergency Info call Taylor Adams 710-1888 or Madelyn Kinemond 515-4610


Monday, July 28, 2008

McNulty Lofts Exercise Facility

Available for all residents and owners is a well-equipped gym and exercise facility. Courtesy of Joe Donnelly, here is a quick run-down on what you can enjoy...

Many of the machines are self-explanatory:
Two treadmills, two elliptical machines and two stationary bicycles. These all do basically the same thing, improve cardio-vascular fitness and/or burn calories. The choice is basically a matter of personal preference and exactly what you are trying to achieve.

The rest of the machines are weight resistance, used for muscle toning and building. As you enter the gym, to your left is a rack with sets of dumbbells. There are literally dozens if not hundreds of exercises that can be done with dumbbells. This is predominately what I use in my workouts. In front of the dumbbells is a large weight machine with a permanently attached bar. Most serious weightlifters use this machine for many exercises. I use it only for squats because, if done properly, it takes pressure off the back and makes the movement safer. On the other side of the room is a similar looking weight station which used by a lot by serious weightlifters.

Working down the left wall the next machine is the cable machine. There are many exercises for this piece of equipment but my favorite is called the woodchopper. This exercise is simple but works the entire center core. The other most common exercise here is the chest cable crossover. As the name implies it works the chest and there are at least three ways to do this exercise.

Working around the elliptical machines the next weight machine is specifically for the arms. From the seat you can do curls for the biceps and extensions for the triceps.
Next to that is the bench press machine. The bench has several settings so you can do lying bench press, seated incline press or seated shoulder press.
Directly in front of the bench press is the Chest and Rear Deltoid Machine. Like the arm machine, this is a single purpose self explanatory machine. It works the chest or the rear deltoid and back depending on which way you sit.

Directly in front of this machine is the Lat pulldown / rowing machine. There are a number of exercises that can be done here, but with very few exceptions, they all work the back muscles.
Three of the remaining four machines are for the legs; Leg Extension / leg curl, abductor / adductor, and leg press. These all work the legs in slightly different ways and each has a brief description of how to do the exercise.
The last is the pullup / dip station. This allows pretty much anyone to do pull-ups and dips by providing adjustable weighted assistance.

That’s the basics on the machines.
Of course there is the fine print.... This Blog material is intended to be purely descriptive and does not substitute for proper instruction and ensuring that you are medically fit enough to use this equipment. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen.

Filters for your Air Conditioner

Here is some useful information from Jim W in 1016:

Below are information for semi permanent non-disposable air handler filters. Both these filters are washable and both have a 5 year warranty.

We elected to go for the Filterama EZ-2000 electrostatic filter This filter is on sale for $49.50 pus $1.00 shipping if ordered on the internet.

Another higher even higher rated non disposable filter is the Riteair Boair electrostatic filter It is on sale for $75.96 plus shipping.

Our air handlers in the one bedroom lofts are Goodman 1.5 ton capacity and take a non standard 14 X 18 X1 filter. The U channel that holds the filter is a little generous and most filters are actually 3/8" less than the stated dimensions to allow for fit. Disposable filters are light weight and actually "suck up" to the air handler inlet frame. I'm not sure how this will work with the heavier aluminum framed non disposable filter -so I"ll shim it slightly to make it fit tightly against the inlet.

I'm pursuing PM options on our Goodman heat pumps.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A potpourri of tidbits.......

Lobby Call Box
Our phone system can dial your cell phone or home phone. Contact Rampart to have your phone number programmed into the box. Remember, if you forget your key, you can always “beep” yourself into the building.

Lease Tenants
All tenants must have their lease on file with Rampart Property Management. It is the owner's responsibility to submit the original lease as well as Association application.

We all love pets, but we don't all love getting into the elevator to find evidence that Fifi has been there before us. Please continue to clean up after your pets in common areas. Pets are not to be taken through the main lobby, but should use the garage entrance instead.

Ground Level Parking
Please remember to park no more than 3 hours per day on the grade level parking area. Also, remember to remove your car by 11:00PM to avoid being towed. We do tow.

Forget your keys often?
In an effort to help those who occasionally lock themselves out of their units, Key Lock Box boards have been installed in the 9th and 11th floor trash rooms. If you would like to have your own lock box the cost is $35.00. Contact Rampart if you are interested in this.

Key Fobs
These serve as an alternative to HID card keys and fit conveniently on your key ring.

Living in a condominium is wonderful. Let's keep in mind that while we pay our monthly maintenance fees these do not cover all our expenses. Think you can add value to our building or neighbors? Have a passion for something? Let us know. If everyone does something small then big things can happen. Also, it keeps everyone's fees in check, and keeps us the most sought-after place to live in St Petersburg :)

Parking Garage
Remember to scan your card on the way into and out of the parking garage. Try not to take a ticket unless absolutely necessary. Also, please remember to park only on the 6th or 7th Floor.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Terrace Doors

The balcony doors in our condos are rated for 130 mph winds -- but only if they are properly closed.

Here are the instructions for how to close the doors to your balcony.

If you have a single door leading outside you must fully close it and then pull up on the handle. This sets the pins into the top-bottom and sides of the frame. Test that the door is properly closed by very firmly pulling on the door to see if it opens. These doors are designed to handle 130 mph winds – you cannot hurt them by trying to pull them open.

If you have double doors leading outside you must fully close the left side door and then pull up on the handle. Then close the right side door and pull up on the handle. This sets the pins into the top-bottom and sides of the frame. Test that the doors are properly closed by very firmly pulling on the doors to see if they open.

With rainy season coming, it is imperative that our terrace doors be properly secured. Otherwise when we have wind and rain it is possible for water to enter your unit and then find its way to units below. Please consider the damage you might cause to another’s unit. It is important that all of us follow these simple instructions. Please also check your condo insurance and liability insurance to ensure you are adequately covered for any damage your un-locked doors may cause for units below you.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a great place this is.......

The real winners at our Kentucky Derby party in the clubroom were the debonaire outfits and the stunning hats.......

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Art in the Lofts - Exhibition a Success

Our resident artiste extraordinaire, Patton Hunter, recently completed a stunning exhibition of her work displayed in her artist's studio condo on the 8th floor, and on the walls of the 8th floor common area. If you are interested in viewing any of the art you can still contact Patton at

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Art at McNulty Lofts by Patton Hunter

Our own Patton Hunter will be exhibiting her art work 5:30pm to 8:30pm on Friday March 21, 2008. Click on the image below for a full screen version.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Instructions for opening street level garage gates

The entry gates to the garage from 2nd Avenue and from Cafe Alma can be opened with a security code. The current security codes are always available on the secure pages of our website, or you can contact Rampart if you need the code.

1) To open the large rolling gate on the ground level type in the pass code xxxx

2) To open the automatic (people / wheelchair) gate please type xxxx # (don’t forget to type # after).

Monday, February 4, 2008

Move-In / Move-Out Instructions

For our new residents (and those planning moves):

On behalf of McNulty Lofts Condominium Association and all your new neighbors, we wish you Congratulations and Welcome to the Community!

We have established a few simple procedures for moves and large deliveries, and ask that you ensure that your movers abide by these procedures.

1. At least 48 hours in advance, notice must be given to Rampart Properties at 727-577- 2200 requesting the elevator pads be put in place.

2. Most moving vans prefer to park on the north side of 2nd Ave S facing west. This will allow the quickest access to the main elevator without going up stairs. All moves and large deliveries must be made through the rear door (west entrance) only.

3. The Code to the sliding metal gate will need to be given out by the owner. Please ask the movers to be discreet with the access code and not to give it to anyone else. Please contact Rampart or email to if you need the code.

4. Movers will need the owner’s magnetic key card or fob. This will allow them access to the back door without propping open the door. Please do not prop the door open! Besides the obvious security issues, we are wasting energy to “cool” the parking area.

5. The South Elevator (main elevator) is the only elevator available for moving use. We do not have a freight elevator! If the movers “hold” the elevator door open with their hands or with a piece of wood, box, etc., it will cause the elevator to shut down. This will result in a very expensive elevator service call that will be charged to the unit owner.

6. Be very careful when loading the elevator. Damage caused to the floor or interior panels in the elevators is costly to repair. Cost incurred to repair damage caused to the elevators during deliveries or move-ins will be the responsibility of the unit owner.

7. Finally, please remind your movers that all cardboard boxes and cartons must be broken down and removed from the property. The building trash containers cannot accommodate the moving boxes and cartons! Under no circumstances should cardboard boxes be put into the trash chutes – they will almost certainly cause a jam that is expensive to fix.

Thank you, and we hope your day and your move goes smoothly and trouble-free!

Disposal of Trash